

Cutting down trees and vegetation from forest areas is understood as ‘Deforestation ‘. Many reasons are liable for this. the expansion rate of individuals, lack of awareness, residential requirement, industrial requirement, etc. are responsible. Deforestation may be a bad alarm for our future earth. Every country has a minimum of 25 percent of the forest area consistent with its total area. But it's very difficult to stay it. We lose many wildlife species. Our organic phenomenon is changing day by day. due to our global climate change. All of those are the results of deforestation. People are removing forest areas and make the residential district. But this forest area is functioning as a barrier to wind storming. Sometimes it's the most source for the livelihood of some people. Trees lock soil loss within the flooding season. Give shelter for animals. Communities are suffering thanks to hampering trees. Then animals are attacking the local area and cause a worse situation. Deforestation caused environmental pollution. global climate change is additionally for deforestation. More people need more area, shelter, food, and other rights. But by maintaining a planning way we will meet all the wants. hamper forest areas unnecessary isn't the proper way. we should always follow a suggestion in order that we will solve each side. the use of rules for lowering forest areas is vital. More tree planting is that the best and differently of recovering deforestation. We can do it in the fallow area. Such as both sides of roads, railway lines, the fallow area in our homestead, etc.

Deforestation Deforestation Reviewed by 7elex on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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